Hey there --

Running for Senate was never something I saw myself doing 20 years ago. In fact, I was a school teacher for 10 years.

I believe it is critical to help the next generation prepare for the incredibly complex and rapidly evolving global economy. The truth is, we’re not where we need to be yet, and I want to prepare our kids for the challenges they will face while providing them a safe environment to learn and lead.

That’s not the case for Joni Ernst. In her six years in office, she has sacrificed our children’s future to benefit predatory lenders, for-profit colleges, and the gun lobby.

Instead of “making them squeal,” Joni is bringing home the bacon. She is having far too much fun taking money from the NRA while our kids are practicing active shooter drills and their futures are being stolen by Betsy DeVos’s Department of Education.

That’s why we need a change. Can you chip in $5 dollars to help me oust Ernst, ditch Mitch and finish this month strong?

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Iowa students can lead this nation to a bright future if they’re given the tools to succeed. We need to empower public schools to give our youth an excellent education and make college more affordable.

I’m tired of politicians like Ernst putting corporations, lobbyists and the rich ahead of our kids. That’s why I’m asking for your help. I want to take my experiences and your voice to the U.S. Senate, so we can bring better, safer education back home.

To do that, we need to take down Ernst in 2020.

Can you help me defeat Joni Ernst and bring a brighter future back to Iowa and the nation? We’re just $2,345 from our end-of-month fundraising goal, and your contribution can make all the difference.

Thanks for taking the time to hear from me,

Eddie Mauro


P.O. Box 21099
Des Moines, IA

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