This is Congressman Andy Kim from New Jersey.

Democrats in the House just did something that will transform the lives of America’s families.

We passed the Build Back Better Act to give working families a future. And we stood up to corporate special interests.

For too long, too many people have been forced to choose between basic needs and needed medicines. They won’t have to make those hard choices anymore.

The Build Back Better Act gives Medicare the power to negotiate drug prices. My bill to cap out-of-pocket costs for seniors at $2,000 a year is included in Build Back Better. It will put thousands of dollars back into the pockets of seniors on fixed incomes. And it limits the cost of insulin to $35 per month.

I’ve won twice in a Trump district because voters know I put people before politics. Can you chip in $3 to me and other progressives in battleground districts so we can communicate about Build Back Better to voters in 2022 -- and keep our House majority? Click here.

The Build Back Better Act will create good paying jobs, will lower everyday costs for working families, expand quality home care for seniors, and make child and homecare affordable so we can get parents back to work.

The Build Back Better Act is also the largest investment in climate action in history.

This $555 billion commitment helps shift our transportation sector towards clean, renewable energy and protects our communities from future hurricanes, floods, and other natural disasters. It creates a new Civilian Climate Corps with good paying jobs to conserve our public lands. And it helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protecting our planet for our kids and future generations.

I am proud to have passed legislation that gives my sons a brighter future.

A boss of mine at the State Department once told me, “you don’t have good government unless you have good people working in government.”

Our good government depends on people like you. Can you chip in to support me and other progressives in key battleground districts who were proud to vote for the Build Back Better bill today? Click here.

I will keep fighting to make sure this bill is signed into law and that voters understand that Democrats deliver.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- Congressman Andy Kim, New Jersey’s 3rd Congressional District (@AndyKimNJ)




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