In the Army, a ruck means when you carry all your gear for miles on end, and it’s that weight you carry that makes you stronger.




In the Army, a ruck is when you carry all your gear for miles on end, and it’s that weight you carry that makes you stronger. In many ways, I’ve been on a ruck my entire life.

I bounced around from foster home to foster home until my grandparents were able to adopt me. I’ve worked every job you can imagine. Deckhand on a tugboat. Bouncer. I even worked at a tattoo shop. But in 2006, I made a decision that changed my life:

I joined the United States Army.

I was a gunner on an armored humvee. Over 8 years and 2 deployments, when you almost get blown up as much as my unit did, you make some really close friends. Brice was one of mine.

When Brice got back from Afghanistan, he was battling PTSD in a very bad way. He just wasn’t the same. We tried to get him help, but one day his demons got the best of him and he took his own life.

Memories of Brice came flooding back to me as I watched Madison Cawthorn speaking before a crowd on January 6th, spreading lies and inciting an insurrection against a nation I fought to defend and my buddies died for.

That’s the moment I decided to run for Congress, because Madison Cawthorn doesn’t give a damn about veterans or our democracy.

Taking his seat in Congress is my new mission, the weight that I carry. Will you have my back in this fight? Then split a contribution between my campaign to defeat Madison Cawthorn and VoteVets today. You can pitch in here:

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Look, I know a traitor when I see one, and Madison Cawthorn is a traitor, a fraud and a coward.

That’s why it’s so important that this veteran community fight hard to defeat him.

Let’s go.

Split a contribution between Josh Remillard, the Army vet taking on Madison Cawthorn, and VoteVets.

Josh Remillard
Candidate for Congress, NC-13




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