
Did you catch Beth’s email last week?

Our launch party is coming up soon on December 3rd and we need your help to make it great. We are so thankful for those of you who have donated to help us kick off Beth’s re-election campaign, however, we still have $10,000 to go, and are counting on you to help show the Democrats they don’t stand a chance!
Kicking off Beth’s re-election campaign is not going to be cheap. Right now, we still have to rent a stage, sound equipment, and buy our volunteers their gear. However, with your support, we know we can get it done and show the Radical Left we will win big in 2022 and keep TX-24 red!
For Texas and America, 
Team Van Duyne

---------Forwarded Message-------
From: Beth Van Duyne
Date: Sat, November 13, 2021 at 2:30 PM
Subject: We are falling behind...

Our launch party for my re-election campaign is coming up soon in early December and we need your support. Bringing hundreds of Patriots together to make sure we have a significant show of force is not going to be cheap! We need $17,000 to rent a facility, a stage, sound equipment, volunteer gear, backdrops, banners, and so much more. Your support is crucial to my campaign and I want you to join in so we can kick it off the right way.

There is a red wave rolling through America. We have made several victories lately, kicking out Radical Leftists and electing brilliant, responsible conservatives to take their place. We have the momentum to win, now I just need your help in kicking it off!

America will never be able to get back on track with the Radical Left in office. Americans are being forced out of their jobs, paying more for their goods and services, and facing waves of violent crime. Times are tough, and the Democrats are trying to make it worse with open-border, big spending, and more government control policies!

America needs new leadership, not more government. However, we won’t be able to get there unless we hit our goals and start 2022 off strong! We are just a few short weeks away from my launch party and with $13,000 still to go, I am counting on you to pitch in today and help me kick off my re-election campaign the right way!

We hope you can join us on Dec. 3! Please RSVP to [email protected]

For Texas and America, 
Beth Van Duyne

-Sent from my iPhone