Stossel TV: The law blocking care for special needs kids


This week on Stossel TV, John Stossel features PLF client Ursula Newell-Davis and her fight against Louisiana regulators for the right to help special needs kids and their families.

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The size and scope of home equity theft: Shining a spotlight on New Jersey


Across the nation, property tax collectors can seize and sell homes to collect unpaid taxes if an owner misses a payment or miscalculates what they owe. In most states, the after-tax surplus from foreclosure sales is returned to the original owner.

In New Jersey, however, everything can be seized—the taxes owed, no matter how small the debt, and the home, no matter how large the equity.

As a new report by Angela Erickson explains, the consequences are devastating.

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The Hill: Does the FTC think no one notices its attempt to skirt a Supreme Court ruling?


In April, the Supreme Court unanimously rebuked the Federal Trade Commission’s decades-long abuse of its “disgorgement” authority to extract massive fines from companies accused of unfair trade practices—because the agency never had that power in the first place.

Caleb Kruckenberg tells us that the FTC now seems desperate to replace the unlawful practice with any other way it can to impose fines.

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