Also Inside: New Results on Financial Resource Sharing in Côte d’Ivoire
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"Congrats to the Nobel Prize-winning Team! Along with the large network of researchers they have created, these Nobel laureates have generated evidence that has benefitted millions of people living in poverty. We are so proud to be part of this movement of using a rigorous, evidence-based approach to fight poverty."  

— Annie Duflo, IPA’s Executive Director

Read the full announcement here

Learn about Banerjee and Duflo's new book and an upcoming launch event here.


Social Norms, Resource Sharing, and Worker Incentives in Côte d’Ivoire

Researchers: Eliana Carranza, Aletheia Donald, Florian Grosset, Supreet Kaur

In many low-income countries, people face pressure from family and friends to share their earnings. While this dynamic can insure individuals in the face of shocks, it may also restrict labor productivity and economic transformation. In Côte d’Ivoire, researchers tested whether redistributive arrangements, by acting as a tax on earnings, lower people’s incentive to work. Workers were provided a direct-deposit illiquid savings account designed to make it easier to convert productivity increases into private long-term savings. Preliminary results show the intervention increased labor productivity and earnings by 10% (an 18% impact on workers who actually opened the accounts). However, if workers’ family members would learn about the existence of the savings accounts, take-up plummeted from 55% to 9%—consistent with redistributive pressure. The findings suggest that such pressures may contribute to low productivity in developing countries.

Read the full summary here.


Do Prize-Linked Incentives Help Americans Reduce their Debt?

Researcher: Jeremy Burke

Americans hold approximately 870 billion dollars in outstanding credit card debt. High levels of debt are financially problematic and levels grow as they remain unpaid. Researchers tested a "prize-linked incentive" model for debt reduction in which participants are entered into a lottery to have a portion of their debt paid off. Prize-linked incentive programs have become a popular approach in the U.S. and abroad to improve financial behavior. The study found that the prize-linked incentive was popular: three-quarters of those offered the incentives took them up. Takers were timelier with repayment and paid off more debt. However, the effects were driven by selection: there was no impact on those randomly offered the incentive program. These results suggest that prize-linked incentives may simply attract individuals who are already more likely to repay their debts, and not actually change behavior.

Read the full summary here and the working paper here.

Watch the IPA webinar on this study here.


IPA Welcomes New Directors Sarah Kabay, Rafe Mazer, and Elliott Collins
By Jeffrey Mosenkis


The Guardian
Financial Express
Financial Express
Financial Express
NPR on Nobel Winners' Impact on the Fight Against Poverty

Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo on a Better Kind of Economics in The Guardian

IPA Education Research in Latin America Cited in Forbes

IPA Founder Dean Karlan Interviewed by Nature


India's Financial Express on Nobel Prize Win and How IPA Bridges Research and Academia

Peru's Diario Correo Covers Nobel Winners' Research on Ultra-Poor Graduation Model

IPA Research Receives Widespread Coverage After Nobel Announcement



Education Evidence for Action (EE4A) Conference 2019
November 27-29 | Machakos, Kenya

Book Launch: Good Economics For Hard Times by Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther Duflo
November 25 | New York City, United States

2019 Development Research Institute Annual Conference
November 7 | New York City, United States

IPA to Present at Family Planning Results Dissemination Event
November 7 | Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso


IPA and MSEA Co-Host Policy Dialogue on SME Development in Kenya
October 29 | Nairobi, Kenya

IPA Presents at 2019 African Microfinance Week
October 21 & 23 | Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Webinar: Do Prize-Linked Incentives Promote Positive Financial Behavior?
October 22 | Webinar, United States

IPA and Government Partners Participate in Panels at What Works Global Summit (WWGS)
October 14-18 | Mexico City, Mexico

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