Dear Patriot,
The unelected bureaucrats at the FDA are running away from the truth at full steam.
They PROMISED transparency when it came to the documents given to them by the vaccine makers.
Now, they’re walking back that promise. You see, the FDA
announced they won’t fully release the vaccine trial information to the public until 2076.
A 5-year-old who gets the jab would be 60 years old by then! Americans are being forced to
simply take the FDA and Big Pharma’s word on the safety of these jabs, and the vaccine makers have full immunity from liability if something
goes wrong. This is insanity!
You might be wondering how something like this can happen in the United States of America. . .
The crony capitalist “regulators” at the FDA aren’t even trying to hide it anymore. They are in bed with Big Pharma and exist only
to enrich them -- not to protect you. If the FDA is willing cover up for Pfizer and other Big
Pharma for the next 5-plus decades, it’s time to DEMAND transparency.
Click here to sign the petition demanding a
full audit of the FDA, including their emails, communications, and every document related to COVID-19 -- including knowledge of adverse reactions to
the COVID jabs. You and I need to find out what they are trying to conceal,
contort and keep quiet! And why would this 55-year cover up be
necessary if the experimental drug is as safe and effective as it has been publicly proclaimed?
What it sounds like is there a bigger risk of health issues than previously advertised. Ever since Campaign for Liberty launched, we have been calling for a full audit of the Federal Reserve.
When we started, the majority of Americans didn’t know what the Federal Reserve was or that it wasn’t a
division of the federal government. Today, the majority of Americans polled agree with us and
believe the Federal Reserve should be audited. It’s time to start making that same type
of push with the FDA, especially after all the deception we’ve witnessed throughout the ongoing Coronacrisis. Click here to sign the
Then, I hope you’ll consider a donation of $25,
$50, $75, or more to help Campaign for Liberty push this new and extremely important initiative at full strength.
Patriot, it’s almost as if the so-called “regulators” at the FDA have been captured by the
mega-billion-dollar industry they are supposed to be regulating. This type of corruption is
known as “regulatory capture,” and if it’s happening at the FDA, WE NEED TO KNOW ABOUT IT.
If you need more evidence, consider that Scott Gottlieb, the former Director of the FDA is now on the
board of directors at Pfizer, information you can find right on their website.
That’s a very cozy relationship, especially given that he was running the FDA until the end of 2019, just as
the world was learning about COVID. You can bet a lot of Gottlieb’s buddies from the FDA
are still there. Can they really be trusted to fairly regulate Gottlieb’s company, given the high stakes?
Here’s what my friend, Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY), had to say about it:
Recruiting the former FDA
director to serve on the board of Pfizer seems to have worked out well for Pfizer. They have
the only U.S. FDA approved vaccine, and the government markets their vaccine as such, meanwhile said vaccine is not even available in the United
States. Sweet deal if you can get it.
They got it. I smell
Sign the petition to DEMAND Congress AUDIT
THE FDA. Then, I hope you’ll consider a donation of $25,
$50, $75, or more to help Campaign for Liberty push this new and extremely important initiative at full strength.
For nearly every American, it would have been unimaginable just two
years ago that the federal government would mandate MOST employees to take a vaccination or face losing their job.
If not for FDA rubber stamp approval, that wouldn’t be happening. When
it comes to the experimental COVID jabs that were rushed to the market under “emergency use authorization” for 5 to 11-year-olds, a group
that has proven to be in almost zero danger from COVID, did risk assessment ever get mentioned in a critical light?
No. Instead, one of their voting members freely admitted they would only know the true risks once they started
mass-vaccinating children with it. But Patriot, it is criminal
to put children -- who have NO ability to assess the risks -- at risk of death or serious injury to “protect” at-risk adults!
Sign the petition to DEMAND Congress AUDIT THE
FDA. Then consider a generous donation today to keep Campaign
for Liberty on the front lines of this fight. Transparency is the only way to fix
this disease of corruption and we ought to demand it at once. Please take action now.
For Liberty,  Ron Paul Chairman P.S.
It’s becoming clear the FDA has become a wing of Big Pharma and what was once a regulatory agency, has now been captured by the very industry it
is supposed to regulate. Sign the petition to AUDIT the FDA.
If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here.
The mission
of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free
markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.