
As you may have seen, the Congressional Budget Office released the complete cost estimate of the Build Back Better package, which can be found here. Several members have been waiting to see the estimated impact this bill will have on our federal budget. With the CBO score now in hand - a score that importantly shows the bill will make historic investments in America’s families while also reducing inflation and saving taxpayer dollars! - a House vote on the Build Back Better package is imminent.   

For House Members who have insisted on seeing a CBO score before moving forward, nothing should be holding them back from supporting this transformative package that will deliver care, health coverage, jobs, and meaningful changes in the lives of America’s families. Now is the time to remind these Members to make good on their word to move forward on a package that is not only paid for, but makes good economic sense to see through enactment.

  • Ed Case (HI-01)
  • Jared Golden (ME-02)
  • Josh Gottheimer (NJ-05)
  • Stephanie Murphy (FL-07)
  • Scott Peters (CA-52)
  • Kathleen Rice (NY-04)
  • Kurt Schrader (OR-05)
  • Abigail Spanberger (VA-7)

Families USA will continue to digest the CBO score and implications for states as we move forward. In the meantime, please find the following resources to help support your advocacy in urging swift House passage of this package:


Activating our networks on all House Members to make calls and send emails to House offices urging swift passage, and continuing to apply public pressure via social media and other means are all critical activities in this moment. We are so close!

Thank you for all of your advocacy thus far, and please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or comments. To your health, Tiana Rodriguez Strategic Partnerships Coordinator

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