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 News of the Week

New York’s COVID Rent Relief Fund Is Almost Out of Money
Gov. Kathy Hochul said Friday that the state had applied for a $996 million reallotment from the Treasury Department and that officials will shut down the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) application portal Sunday.

New Campaign Aims to Reform NY’s ‘Racist, Draconian’ Sentencing Laws

The new “Communities Not Cages” coalition is pushing for passage of three new bills that would eliminate mandatory minimum prison sentences in the state and offer incarcerated New Yorkers more opportunities to have their sentences revisited and shortened.

Every NYC Tenant Has Right to Housing Court Lawyer, as Eviction Protections Near End

All tenants in New York City Housing Court now have a right to legal assistance, with lower-income renters eligible for full representation from nonprofit attorneys through an initiative funded with $166 million in the latest budget.

How Small-Dollar Public Financing Helped NYC Elect Its Most Diverse City Council Ever
“Disparities that we normally see in campaign fundraising were not apparent this time around in New York City,” said an analyst at the Brennan Center, which compared self-identified gender and race information for each candidate in a competitive June primary with their campaign finance records.

Officials Probe Police Beating of Man in West Village, Renewing Debate Over NYPD Role in Homeless Response
The incident came on the heels of another violent encounter between police and New Yorkers who were camping out on a Lower Manhattan sidewalk near Tompkins Square Park Nov. 10.

Public Bathroom Access at Heart of Dispute Over New Inwood Park Facility
The Row New York boathouse planned for Sherman Creek Park will have bathrooms in its locker rooms, available only to the individuals participating in the organization’s programming.
In 2016, the mayor and city officials committed to doubling the manufacturing capacity of the East New York Industrial Business Zone, which they say would help create 3,900 local jobs there. But five years later, neighborhood leaders say the area has stagnated.

"This is everybody’s backyard. People don’t have second homes to go to."

-- Sally Fisher, Inwood resident and community board member

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Una Ciudad Sin Límites

Marcha de 11 millas por los 11 millones de personas indocumentadas pidiendo un camino a la ciudadanía en Nueva York
El 11 noviembre cerca de 200 personas marcharon 11 millas en las calles de la ciudad de Nueva York exigiendo que se incluya un camino hacia la ciudadanía en la versión conocida como parole (o Plan C) del plan de reconciliación presupuestaria.

El programa de asistencia de emergencia para el alquiler se agota en Nueva York
La gobernadora Kathy Hochul dijo el 12 de noviembre que el estado había solicitado una reasignación de $996 millones de dólares al Departamento del Tesoro y que los funcionarios cerrarán el domingo el portal de solicitudes para el programa de asistencia de emergencia con el alquiler (ERAP por sus siglas en inglés).

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City Views

Opinions on Policy and Politics
Opinion: A City Council for Every New Yorker—What Representation Means to Me
‘Women of color like myself have historically been marginalized from politics and public discourse. When local politicians don’t share any aspect of my identity with me, it can feel like girls like me aren’t meant to be a part of public life.’

Opinion: It’s Time for Permanent, Equitable 24/7 Open Streets
‘The limited Open Streets we have are not distributed equitably. There are no active Open Streets in any of the six community boards that have the fewest residents living near parks. Of all the active Open Street miles in operation today, only 2.2 percent are in the Bronx.’

Opinion: Redesigning SoHo’s Streets for People and Community
‘SoHo is a picturesque, architectural gem of a place to live and work…But it is also an impossible mess of traffic, mini skyscrapers of garbage bags, and elbow wars of crowds in the street and on the sidewalk.’
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