Dear John,

My name is Fred and my daughter Jaime was one of the 17 people killed at Marjory Douglas Stoneman High School in Parkland, Florida.

Because of what happened to my family and too many other families in America, I’ve made it my mission to end the gun violence epidemic. But I know that won’t happen in Pennsylvania with a permitless concealed carry bill that some NRA-backed politicians have introduced.

That’s why I’m supporting Josh Shapiro for Governor. He isn’t afraid to stand up to the NRA and pass lifesaving gun safety legislation. He’s fighting every day to keep Pennsylvania safe.

But Josh can’t do it alone. So I’m asking you, John, to help me raise $50,000 to help Josh make Pennsylvania a safer place from gun violence.

Can you chip in $15 to help Josh Shapiro and Brady PAC save lives and make our country a safer place?


John, we lose over 100 American lives to gun violence every single day.

For me, that’s not just a statistic. It’s my daughter.

If we let these gun “laws” run our country, NOTHING will change. All the NRA cares about is money and power.

But Josh Shapiro is different. He will NEVER bow down to the NRA. So I’m asking you to join him.

Please, chip in $15 to help Josh Shapiro and Brady PAC. It’s the ONLY way to keep our country safe.


Fighting every day,

Fred Guttenberg

Thank you for supporting Josh Shapiro's campaign to become the next governor of Pennsylvania. If you prefer to donate by check, you can mail your donation to:

Shapiro for Pennsylvania
PO Box 22635
Philadelphia, PA 19110
United States

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