Dear Friend,


Within the next two days, the House may be voting on the Build Back Better bill, which currently does not include a direct pathway to citizenship for immigrants. But there is still a chance for you to call your Representative and request that they push to bring green cards back on the table.


For decades we have fought relentlessly to win a pathway to citizenship. Now Democratic leadership have an opportunity to keep their end of the deal to immigrant communities and pass green cards in reconciliation. What’s on the table now is a provision called parole, which falls short of what we’ve been fighting for (learn more about the difference here). Dems have the power and are choosing not to use it.


The moment for truly bringing a victory to immigration is NOW and it's through green cards.


We urge you to take two minutes to call your Representative NOW and ask them to vote for a direct pathway to citizenship through the registry in the Build Back Better Act.

Phone call instructions:

  1. Look up your Representative here
  2. Call this number: 202-224-3121
  3. IF you have your Representative’s name ready, ask the person to connect you to their office, if not then tell them your address and ask them to connect you to the Representative.
  4. Once you’re connected to your Representative’s office, use the following script: “My name is NAME and I am a resident of TOWN/CITY, STATE. I am calling to tell Representative NAME that they MUST include green cards through registry and NOT just parole for all 11 million undocumented immigrants as part of the Build Back Better Act. Thank you”

We will not accept anything less than green cards. We are committed to protecting as many people as possible, and our north star remains the same: permanent status for 11 million+ undocumented immigrants.




In Solidarity,


Pabitra Khati Benjamin,

Executive Director, Adhikaar