Chris CoonsJoin us.

Dear John,

Our country may seem more divided than ever, but I know our best days are still ahead and it's up to us to make sure our politics reflect that.

Now more than ever, we need leaders who will bring us together instead of tearing us apart, who will focus on the real issues facing American families, and who will restore the United States' role in the world.

Joe Biden is an experienced, principled, respected leader who can do just that. He has a forward-looking vision and optimism for our future that we're going to need as we repair the damage President Trump has created.

Are you ready to help Joe Biden stand up for our democratic values and make him the next President of the United States? Then, chip in $5 or whatever you're able to right now.

It's been my greatest honor to serve in Joe's U.S. Senate seat and build on the lasting legacy that he's achieved. They're big shoes to fill since the people of Delaware sent Joe to the Senate as quickly as they possibly could. Joe spent his entire career, 36 years, fighting for us and he's showing no signs of stopping.

I know Joe's unmatched experience and positive vision will restore respect to the highest office of the land, return our democracy to the people, and actually make Congress and our government work again.

If you believe in Joe and if you want him to be your next president, will you chip in $5 or more so he can help restore the soul of our nation?

Thank you,


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