John -- we’ve just sued Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, alongside our coalition partners, in order to stop his latest anti-democracy attack. I need your immediate support to see this critical legal effort through.
Just a few weeks ago, Texas passed one of the most extreme gerrymandered maps I’ve ever seen. It’s a blatant attempt to rig our democracy by shutting communities of color out of fair representation for the next ten years.
This is just the latest salvo in a multi-front war the far right is waging against our democracy: voter suppression laws… disinformation-fueled attempts to overturn the 2020 election… and now rigged, gerrymandered maps in states like Indiana, Ohio, and now Texas.
If these maps stand, literally millions of Americans will lose out on the political representation they deserve for the next decade.
Self-interested politicians have abused this power for far too long -- which is why we’re taking Gov. Abbott to court so we can overturn his intentionally discriminatory district maps.
These maps are a clear-cut racial gerrymander -- designed to prevent Black, Brown, and AAPI voters from having an equal voice in our democracy. They’re unconstitutional, and a clear violation of the Voting Rights Act.
Our legal team has evidence ready to prove that in court -- and strike a major blow against this nationwide wave of gerrymandering.
Remember, our lawsuit against Texas’s extreme voter suppression bill from earlier this year is still pending -- and as we get closer to next year’s pivotal midterm elections, we’ll need to be ready to go to court again and again in defense of our democracy.
John, we are only able to do this work thanks to generous support from Common Cause members like you. And as I’m sure you’re aware, this past year has brought dozens of new threats to our democracy that require your immediate response and mine.
I don’t need to remind you of the stakes either -- we're up against an extremist political faction that's decided their best path to victory is by steamrolling over our democracy. They’re fueling their anti-voter attacks with lies about the 2020 election -- and this is just their latest attempt to rig the system in their favor.
We can’t let them get away with it. Please chip in today to enable our hard-hitting, people-powered work to STOP this far-reaching, nationwide attack on our democracy. Can we count on your immediate contribution of $3 or more?
It’s up to us to make sure that we leave a stronger democracy for the next generation -- where we all have a meaningful voice in the political decisions that impact us all.
I’m glad to have you on our side,
Anthony Gutierrez, Texas Executive Director
and the team at Common Cause