Did you see Kara’s email? Facebook and Instagram are prioritizing unproven anti-abortion theories over real, effective medication abortion. It’s unacceptable to do this while abortion access is under attack nationwide.
Add your name now to tell Facebook and Instagram to stop hiding vital information on abortion pills.
Everyone deserves access to fact-based information on abortion.
Sign the petition now.
Jessica Ensley
Digital Outreach Manager, Reproaction
Facebook and its subsidiary Instagram are hiding vital, accurate information about abortion pills – and we won’t stand for it.
Hiding information about abortion pills is unacceptable. Sign our petition and tell Facebook and Instagram to stop restricting vital, accurate medical information.
As the country waited in vain for the Supreme Court to block a cruel six-week abortion ban in Texas, Facebook subsidiary Instagram blocked the hashtags for mifepristone and misoprostol. By blocking these hashtags, Instagram is blocking access to vital information about abortion pills at a time when more people are turning to these safe, effective pills for their care.
Their decision to remove the hashtags for a medically sound, effective abortion method while leaving up the hashtag and paid ads for the unscientific anti-abortion theory of “abortion pill reversal” shows that Facebook and Instagram are more concerned with placating anti-abortion activists than they are with the health and safety of people seeking abortions.
Allowing the promotion of unscientific anti-abortion propaganda while removing information about a safe, common medical procedure is wrong. Facebook and Instagram need to hear from you. Sign the petition now.
In Solidarity,
Kara Mailman
Senior Research Analyst, Reproaction
P.S. Abortion pills are safe, effective, and backed by science. Sign today and let Facebook and Instagram know that you won’t tolerate anti-abortion stigma.