Welcome to Thursday, November 18th, coyotes and wolves...

Debris from a test of a Russian anti-satellite weapon forced astronauts to shelter aboard the International Space Station.

Astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) were directed to shelter in their spacecraft while they passed through debris from the destroyed satellite. The State Department said the missile strike added more than 1,500 pieces of space junk to Earth’s orbit.

Several countries have developed ASAT systems and successfully shot down their own satellites, including India, Russia, China, and the U.S.

Such tests leave large amounts of debris, some of which eventually burn up in the atmosphere, but other uncontrolled debris can remain in orbital “lanes” for years to come, posing a risk of destroying or disabling a satellite.

Are you concerned about Russia’s anti-satellite missile test?

Biden signs Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill - What Does It Do?

President Joe Biden on Monday signed the $1.2 trillion bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act into law.

The bill provides $110 billion in new spending on roads, bridges, and major infrastructure projects; $65 billion in new funding for passenger and freight rail infrastructure; and $65 billion to improve broadband infrastructure around the country.

Read more about what's included in the act, then join the conversation:

How do you feel about the bipartisan infrastructure bill’s enactment?

All the Memes Fit to Post





And, In The End...

It's Mickey Mouse Day.

The world-famous vermin debuted in Steamboat Willie on this date in 1928:

Minnie is celebrating Married to a Scorpio Support Day,

—Josh Herman

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