How is housing wealth distributed by race and ethnicity where you live? Explore cities’ aggregate housing wealth to uncover the drivers of racial and ethnic housing gaps.
What can local leaders learn from Barcelona and other cities about creating inclusive public spaces? Tune in today at 12:00 p.m. (EST) to hear more about Barcelona’s model and how lessons from Barcelona and elsewhere relate to efforts underway in US cities.
Pandemic relief has provided record-level increases in federal funding for kids. But these response measures are temporary, and as funding is exhausted, children’s spending is expected to return to prepandemic levels by 2027.
Evidence shows medication treatment for OUD reduces overdose deaths, but it’s in critically short supply. Even if capacity doubled, it would fill just between 7 and 28 percent of the treatment need in DC, Maine, Michigan, New Jersey, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.
These six steps could help states improve the supply and quality of home-based providers, increase parental choice, support parents’ workforce participation, improve children’s early learning and school readiness, and stabilize the child care market.