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We've extended the CaucusRoom Council candidate submission deadline to November 26th [[link removed]].
Good News! OSHA suspends enforcement of vaccine mandate! [[link removed]]
A mistrial motion has been filed in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial [[link removed]]. Binger withheld HD drome footage from the defense. Take the poll! [[link removed]]
Biden signed the infrastructure bill yesterday. Here's a list of where the money is going [[link removed]]. What is 'resilience', and why is it so expensive?
The rickety bridge where Biden spoke about infrastructure is the perfect metaphor for his presidency. [[link removed]]
Liberal dark-money funneled more than $400M [[link removed]] to campaigns in 2020.
CaucusRoom has a new policy for you to comment on [[link removed]] in regards to campaign staffers.
Your funny for the day! A deer took shelter [[link removed]]inside a church on the first day of hunting season. The 10 Best Universities for your kids [[link removed]].
By popular demand! Let's Go Brandon shirts [[link removed]] in the CaucusRoom Store.
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