Act for America

3 Actions in 10 Minutes

Biden continues his America Last campaign, now recommending a trained Moscow Marxist to yet another government appointment, comptroller of the currency. 

Phone every Senator on the Senate Banking Committee today and tell them not to confirm Comrade Saule Omarova as Comptroller of Currency today!

Senator                          Phone Number
Sherrod Brown (D)                       (202) 224-2315
Catherine Cortez Masto (D)           (202) 224-3542
Kevin Cramer (R)                         (202) 224-2043
Mike Crapo (R)                             (202) 224-6142
Steven Daines (R)                        (202) 224-2651
Bill Hagerty (R)                            (202) 224-4944
John Kennedy (R)                        (202) 224-4623
Cynthia Lummis (R)                     (202) 224-3423
Robert Menendez (D)                   (202) 224-4744
Jerry Moran (R)                           (202) 224-6521
Jonathan Ossoff (D)                     (202) 224-3521
Jack Reed (D)                              (202) 224-4642
Mike Rounds (R)                          (202) 224-5842
Tim Scott (R)                              (202) 224-6121
Richard Shelby (R)                      (202) 224-5744
Kyrsten Sinema (D)                    (202) 224-4521
Tina Smith (D)                           (202) 224-5641
Jon Tester (D)                            (202) 224-2644
Thom Tillis (R)                           (202) 224-6342
Patrick Toomey (R)                     (202) 224-4254
Chris Van Hollen (D)                   (202) 224-4654
Mark Warner (D)                        (202) 224-2023
Raphael Warnock (D)                  (202) 224-3643
Elizabeth Warren (D)                  (202) 224-4543
Stop Confirmation 
of Comrade Omarova

Stop Federal Takeover of Our Financial System
Stop Intentional Bankruptcy of Coal and Oil
Stop Marxist Destruction of Capitalism


Watch “Who is Saule Omarova?" Here!

Political Suicide for 
Socialist Compromise

Tell Dems & RINOs that you are
offended! Stop them from doubling
down on a 2nd ‘infrastructure’ bill! 


Stop Biden's Vaccine Mandate!
Updated: Freedom from Mandates Act!
Protect Jobs in Govt' and Private Sectors 
Protect Medical Choice and Privacy
 Protect Individual Liberties


Defend Kids From Vaccine Mandates Too!

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