For everyone asking "what is handbrake" is used for compressing & converting videos. It was found on Kraus's laptop meaning he may have purposely converted the video to the lower resolution version using handbrake. Handbrake was on one of the ...
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After repeated denials by the State in the Rittenhouse case, that they knew nothing of compressing, doctoring or altering video, 'handbrake was spotted on the DA's screen.

For everyone asking “what is handbrake” is used for compressing & ...

Defense Moves For A Mistrial With Prejudice
“The defense's expert MUST HAVE MISSED that we sent them a lower resolution video…” ADA Krause.

ADA Krause is arguing that constitutional rights are subservient to a technological “glitch”

Rittenhouse Jury Halts Deliberation, ...

Rittenhouse Jury Halts Deliberation, Judge Says He Will Re-Open Evidence To INCLUDE HIGH-DEF FOOTAGE THAT THE STATE WITHHELD
Live coverage:

The jury had questions for the Judge about video evidence which opened up the question of the manipulated, [poor quality video that the State relied heavily on for its case.I don't understand why their video is not striken from ...

More People DIED in The Key Clinical Trial for Pfizer’s Covid Vaccine Than The Company Publicly Reported
The public will never trust these institutions again.

Also this:

Two months???

More people died in the key clinical trial for Pfizer's Covid vaccine than the company publicly ...

Fraudulent Biden Admin BARS Nicaraguan President And Other Govt Officials From U.S. Citing ELECTION FRAUD
Pretty rich that fraudulent Biden administration is barring Nicaragua’s president and other government officials after foul play is suspected in their elections. You can’t make this stuff up.

“The Ortega government’s undemocratic, ...

FRAUDULENT BIDEN’S SECRET POLICE: Homes of Colorado Elections Clerk and Republican Representative’s Campaign Manager Raided by FBI
Parents, political opposition leader Steve Bannon, journalist James O'Keefe ….. now this. How is the any different than the Gestapo or the KGB?

Fight or flight?



BREAKING: Rittenhouse Defense Team Files Motion That Prosecutors in Kenosha Withheld Video Evidence
Mistrial with prejudice. It's time.

Rittenhouse prosecutors HELD BACK high-def drone footage of Kenosha shootings from defense and gave them low quality video
Two Jurors Holding Decision Up, Outright Citing Backlash, Per US Marshal in ...

FBI emails: Garland authorized use of counterterrorism tools against parents who oppose CRT, and lied to Congress
This administration is rapidly discarding the safeguards that for over two centuries have protected Americans from tyranny. The FBI is at this point a rogue, hyper-partisan organization that is operating as a squad of enforcers for a lawless ...

47 studies confirm ineffectiveness of masks for COVID and 32 more confirm their negative health effects
Masks are ineffective. They are no longer a medical precaution – they are a symbol of acquiescence to totalitarianism. The unmasked are the new sub-class.

47 studies confirm ineffectiveness of masks for COVID and 32 more confirm their ...

Rittenhouse prosecutors HELD BACK high-def drone footage of Kenosha shootings from defense and gave them low quality video
Good morning to everyone, except dirty prosecutors who hid exculpatory evidence from criminal defendants.

— Election Wizard (@ElectionWiz) November 17, 2021

This has been a show trial from the beginning. ...

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