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The Story of Us

Dear John,

As an MPAC supporter, you know better than most that our goal for over 30 years has been to improve the American Muslim experience. Our individual stories weave together the history of our community. Our collective experiences reflect our progress, the world as it was, and the one we hope to build. This is the story of US.

Now, in our second year of the pandemic, as we continue to keep ourselves, our families, and our communities safe, I'm proud to say that MPAC is better than ever and I'm excited to officially showcase our progress, hear from key figures from entertainment and government, and look to the next chapter in our story at our Virtual Gala on Sunday, December 5th at 5pm

Join us as we explore our vibrant history that showcases the contributions of American Muslims, some well known and others less known, to the fabric of our nation.

RSVP for Virtual Convention Now


Rebecca Husaini
Operations Manager 
Muslim Public Affairs Council

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Founded in 1988, the Muslim Public Affairs Council improves public understanding and policies that impact American Muslims by engaging our government, media, and communities.

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