We're still missing your response...
We came to you seven days ago to ask if you'd please take just a sec to share your thoughts with our team as part of our official Post-Election Day Focus Group.
That said, it looks like we don't have a response on file for you just yet!
Will you please share your feedback about our campaign strategy by entering our Post-Election Day Focus Group before it closes? We'll only be able to accept additional responses for a few more days before reporting the findings to John, so we hope you'll add your thoughts today.
Not to be alarmist, John, but we simply can't afford to let Democrats get shellacked in the midterms. Our House AND Senate majorities are at stake.
We can't risk a repeat of the Virginia election results — especially since President Biden won Pennsylvania by a muuuuch smaller margin here than VA.
History tells us that we can't simply go on autopilot and still expect to win this race to flip Pennsylvania. We have to throw out old, outdated playbooks. We have to run a different kind of campaign, with a sharp strategy that's informed by YOU — the grassroots supporters on the ground across the Commonwealth.
Essentially, the more qualitative feedback we get from genuine Team Fetterman supporters in our Focus Group, the more insight we'll have from the ground about how we can best defeat the GOP and flip this seat.
So, will you please take a few minutes to participate in our Post-Election Day Focus Group? You can click here or use your own custom link to begin!
https://act.johnfetterman.com/survey/jf-post-e-day-focus-group/[email protected]
Enter the focus group →
Thanks a ton,
Team Fetterman