Friends – This heartbreaking footage shows why speaking out is so important. I’m following up because we don’t yet have your name on our petition.
J Street


For every settlement that’s built up, the hopes, aspirations and futures of Palestinian people are torn down. And so are hopes for the future of Israeli democracy.

The footage below -- via Israeli human rights group B’Tselem -- is from a demolition two weeks ago that left 15 Palestinians homeless, including seven children.

footage of a family witnessing a demolition of their home

We do not yet have your name on our petition calling for stronger American leadership to help put a stop to this.


Here in the United States, J Street supporters are calling on the Biden administration to take a much stronger stand against the Israeli right and their efforts to build and bulldoze their way to permanent, undemocratic control over the West Bank -- trampling Palestinian freedoms and Israel’s democratic future in the process.

Together, we’re calling on the Biden administration to reverse Trump’s embrace of the settlement movement, and to publicly reaffirm that constructing settlements on occupied territory is a clear violation of international law.

When we act, the world takes notice. There’s a reason why constructing settlements on occupied land is illegal, and our leaders in the United States must be unafraid to say so.

To shrink from this responsibility not only undermines our shared values, but our international credibility, our moral authority and our ability to lead toward a better future.

If you agree, please read, sign and share our petition now >>

Both in our communities and on Capitol Hill, we need our leaders to understand that settlement expansion presents a threat not only to the rights and freedoms of Palestinian families -- but to Israelis, their long-term security and Israeli democracy itself.

To be truly pro-Israel and truly pro-peace is to push back. To end a deteriorating status quo in which generations of Israelis are sent to the frontlines to guard wrecking balls and settlements -- and which condemns generations of Palestinians to grow up under the shadow of barbed wire, passing through checkpoints watched by armed soldiers.

Friends, the 'choice' between ensuring Israel's security and upholding Palestinian rights has always been a false one. A way of distracting from the reality that the majority of American Jews support the rights of both Palestinians and Israelis to live with freedom, security and dignity, and recognize that the best interests of both peoples are intertwined.

This false choice has also been used to deter our political leaders from making bold, principled decisions -- and to misrepresent political positions as “pro-Israel” when in reality, they’re just “pro-settlement movement” or “pro-occupation.”

Our leaders in Washington need to know that opposing settlement expansion is a pragmatic, politically popular, pro-Israel, pro-peace position in our community -- which is why adding your name matters.

Please take a moment to read, share and sign the petition today.


Debra Shushan
Director of Government Affairs

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J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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