Dear John,

I know you’re encouraged when you see lives changed through the practical love of God … and that’s what’s happening in Africa right now!

It’s so good to know that local AE teams across Africa are showing His love in action. Not even a pandemic can stop them! 

Local workers are encouraged to know that you are continuing to pray boldly and give generously to help communities with the practical support and spiritual encouragement they need.

That’s why I’m asking you to give today to help meet a $90,000 end-of-year goal to help launch Aid & Development programs into 2022 … and see even more people across Africa come to know God’s saving love!

Your support today will help community leaders like Janette in Rwanda show God’s love in Word and Deed – and grow hope in her community.

Janette says:

“Our community was very down, with children’s growth stunted and high levels of alcohol abuse. But what AE has done has lifted us up, empowered women, given the men hope – and the teaching has spread throughout the community!”

John, your generosity today will reach people across Africa with a tangible reminder of the goodness of God through Word and Deed. And that will grow hope in those communities!

Thank you for your generosity today. As you help more people across Africa to grow in hope, I pray that God continues to grow your hope in Him too. 

In Christ,

Ben Campbell
Chief Executive Officer

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PO Box 1584, Macquarie Centre, NSW 2113