Did you see this, John? Support our grassroots efforts, piss off Elon Musk, win-win.

We are living through a second Gilded Age in American history. The wealthy and powerful corporations have leveraged their money to flood the political system with cash and rig the tax rules in their favor — leaving working families without meaningful representation. That’s why Bernie Sanders designed the Build Back Better budget to pay for popular social programs to provide services and lower costs for workers by making the extremely wealthy pay their fair share of taxes. In response to Bernie’s wildly popular proposals, billionaire emerald mine heir Elon Musk had an embarrassing public temper tantrum and pretended to not know if Bernie was still alive — mirroring the way much of the financial elite ignore the needs of non-billionaires.
John, billionaires like Elon Musk are lobbying to kill any increased taxes on the wealthy and big corporations in Bernie’s budget, and Our Revolution is on the frontlines of fighting back to expose their bottomless greed. Can we count on you to chip in now to help us beat back this billionaire lobbying blitz in the critical final stage of passing Bernie’s budget?
In solidarity, Our Revolution
