The largest 'Freedom to Vote Act’ protest yet, John >>


BREAKING: More than 100 patriots - including RepresentUs Federal Reform Director Damon Effingham - were just arrested in front of the White House at a rally urging President Biden to join the push to pass the Freedom to Vote Act.

We have less than one month to get all of America focused on saving our democracy and passing this bill. 

Share the news of today’s arrests outside the White House with your friends and family in District of Columbia to mobilize them into the fight to pass the Freedom to Vote Act.

BREAKING: More than 100 democracy advocates arrested outside the White House

The risk of not passing the Freedom to Vote Act is too great to stay on the sidelines. This bill is our only chance to fix our broken political system before state attacks on free and fair elections take hold ahead of the midterms. 

It’s time to do whatever it takes to get this critical bill passed – and right now that means being part of an unprecedented wave of support for the Freedom to Vote Act.

News from today’s protest will show America that the battle to save our democracy is intensifying, and that we need them in this fight.

Share the news from today’s protest to get your family and friends involved in the fight to pass the Freedom to Vote Act.

Spread the word on Facebook.

Spread the word on Twitter.

Spread the word on Instagram.

Let’s inspire the nation to take a stand for democracy.


Jen Johnson
Movement Director
