Sign Now: Rep. Paul Gosar must be expelled from Congress following his threatening and violent tweet >>
John -- last week, Rep. Paul Gosar tweeted a vile video in which he, depicted as an anime character, killed fellow House member Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and attacked President Biden.
That’s right: a sitting member of Congress unabashedly -- even proudly -- threatened the life of his colleague. And just days later, he posted another tweet defending his video and mocking those who were horrified by his actions.
In any workplace in this country, terrorizing a colleague like this would immediately cost the perpetrator their job. And Gosar's actions fall into a long and shameful history of inciting violence -- particularly against women of color -- to shut people out of leadership positions and public life.
We need to push back against the normalization of political violence and threats -- and recognize them as the extreme dangers to our democratic institutions and ideals that they are.
Sign Now: Rep. Paul Gosar is an active danger to those around him and should not serve as a U.S. representative. He must be expelled from Congress immediately >>
John, we’ve already seen how dangerous and incendiary social media posts like Gosar’s can spur real-world violence.
In fact, Gosar was one of the House Republicans who used social media to spread Donald Trump’s Big Lie -- the conspiracy theory that incited a deadly attack at our Capitol. New reports allege that he even joined planning calls with January 6th organizers and suggested he could get them a blanket pardon from Trump.
Gosar clearly has no remorse and no appreciation for how his words can lead to harm. Every moment that he remains in the House, he is a threat to his fellow members of Congress.
That’s why Common Cause is demanding Gosar’s immediate expulsion. We also support efforts to censure him, strip him of his committee assignments, and open Secret Service and congressional investigations into his actions. [1]
Add Your Name: Rep. Gosar must be removed from Congress -- both to limit his ability to incite violence and to deter other members of Congress from following his lead.
Expelling Gosar is about more than ridding Congress of an extremist and violent member. It is about condemning hate -- and demonstrating that there is no place for this behavior in our democracy.
I hope you’ll speak out today,
Devon Nir, Digital Strategies Manager
and the team at Common Cause