Dear John,
We have some very exciting news this month! On November 2, we launched our Flip The Script on Plastics initiative with the release of a report by the USC Annenberg Norman Lear Center showing that entertainment is awash with plastic pollution.
We know that life imitates art, and by working with a coalition of allies in the entertainment industry to show package-free and reusable and refillable systems in popular television shows and movies, we can influence culture and change the perception of toxic throwaway plastic as being normal—because it’s not. Stay tuned for much more to come!
We are honored to have helped support a delegation of PPC Youth Ambassadors who attended the UN
Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, Scotland, this month. Our PPC Youth Ambassadors have been calling on world leaders to take action on plastics and fossil fuels, and we are proud to amplify their voices.
TerraCycle and eight companies (Coca-Cola, Procter & Gamble, Late July Snacks, Gerber, L’Oreal, Tom’s of Maine, Clorox, and Materne) have reached a settlement on a lawsuit filed by coalition member organization The Last Beach Cleanup in March 2021 based on “unlawful and deceptive recycling claims.” The settlement represents progress in truth-in-labeling and requiring verification of recycling claims.
Finally, I’m extremely pleased to welcome Julie Hudson to the PPC team. Julie is our new Director of Development and we are so
excited to have her! Onward together, 
Dianna Cohen Co-Founder & CEO Plastic Pollution Coalition
P.S. We are so thankful for your partnership and all that you
do to help create a world free from plastic pollution. This GivingTuesday, Nov. 30, we hope you will include PPC in your giving. Now is a good time to encourage others to give too, because thanks to a generous donor, all gifts will be matched—so you can DOUBLE your impact!