Join Jobs With Justice and let workers know you stand with them this holiday season.

Dear John,


When fear, uncertainty, and chaos gripped workplaces around the country, working people stood together and took action. Across industries and regions, working people joined together and fought for dignity in the workplace, better wages and benefits, a healthy and safe workplace, and more.


That’s why we’re asking you to join us abnd sign a letter thanking workers and their efforts to bring further attention and action to the challenges workers face every day on the job. Many of those actions were strikes, most of which resulted in some level of victory for workers. From the Nabisco factory strikes in five facilities around the United States to nurses, fast food workers, John Deere factory workers, mineworkers, and more, working people demanded a fair return on their work and won.


In October alone, more than 28,000 workers were on strike. Overall, there were 54 separate strikes last month and a whopping 110 labor actions spread across the country.  


Workers demonstrated the power of unions and how working people can negotiate better outcomes and take collective action when employers are unwilling to meet basic demands. 


Jobs With Justice has a long history of standing side-by-side with striking workers. It’s why we were created nearly 35 years ago. 


The picket lines in recent months were out of reach for many of us, but it’s never too late to tell workers you stand in solidarity with them. We want every worker out there to know Jobs With Justice, and our network of activists hears them and stands with them. Together, we will finally build an economy that works for all working people, not just those at the very top. 


That’s why we’re asking you to sign this letter of gratitude and thanks. We want to share with workers around the U.S. that Jobs With Justice stands with them now and always. Add your name to the list and let workers know that you have their back from the strikes of 2021 and whatever collective action happens in 2022 and beyond.


In the next few weeks, you’ll hear more from us as we share stories of working people joining together and winning as we look back on 2021 and set the stage for a mighty 2022 to come. 


In Solidarity, 



Jobs With Justice