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We've extended the CaucusRoom Council candidate submission deadline to November 26th [[link removed]].
Good News! Biden failing to take responsibility for anything is costing him [[link removed]] and the Dems.
The myth of fact-checking. Facebook created the world's largest censorship operation [[link removed]].
Xi Jinping and Biden are old friends! [[link removed]] But we already knew that.
The White House has been lying for weeks, and the CBO is coming in with the facts. Build Back Better will never be free. [[link removed]]
Leaked ICE documents indicate illegals [[link removed]]coming into the country have been told not to worry about notices to appear in court.
Have you been following the Kyle [[link removed]]Rittenhouse Trial? The Judge had to tell the jury to ignore statements from the President [[link removed]].
Your funny for the day! Kamala can't even get a proper introduction [[link removed]] at the White House, and contrary to what CNN says [[link removed]], she is likable and good at her job.
By popular demand! Let's Go Brandon shirts [[link removed]] in the CaucusRoom Store.
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