Mob rule. America is history.
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Two Jurors Holding Decision Up, Outright Citing Backlash, Per US Marshal in Kenosha
UPDATE: Jury is retiring for the evening. They’re not being sequestered so they going to walk past those mobs outside? Case is over.

UPDATE: Jurors in the #Rittenhouse case are heading home without a verdict. Deliberations will resume ...

‘Shove It Down Her F**king Throat’: Biden Family Knew Hunter Allegedly Molested Close Minor Relative, Text Messages Show
Depraved. But no more depraved than the media's silence, censor and sanction of this demented, drug addled pervert.

‘Shove It Down Her F**king Throat’: Biden Family Knew Hunter Allegedly Molested Close Minor Relative, Text Messages Show ...

WAR DRUMS: Ukraine says Russia amassed 100K troops near border, Blinken raises ‘real concerns’ of invasion
We have an incredibly weak and incompetent Administration leading America. This is the result. The stability of the world in a freefall. Millions of Americans made one of the worst mistakes of their lives when they voted against President Trump ...

WATCH: 2nd Grader Suspended 38 Times for Not Wearing Masks Tells School Board She “Hopes They Go to Jail”
Out of the mouths of babesWatch:

Florida school board finally drops mask mandate after suspending 8-year-old 38 times for violations

For months, 8-year-old Fiona Lashells did not wear a mask to school, even though it had been mandated by ...

Monster threatens to burn down NYC kosher bagel shop over Jewish flags
No media coverage from left-wing nazi press, of course. But ithis happened to one of their protected elite class – hellfire.

Related: FBI’s “Hate Crime” Statistics Show Islamophobia Decreases Again, While Jew-Hatred Soars

Man ...

Chinese Dictator Xi Jinping Threatens Biden During Meeting, Biden Grovels For Climate Crap NEVER MENTIONS COVID ORGINS
Another shellacking of the Biden Administration by China. This did not happen under the Trump Administration. And President Jinping would never have spoken to President Trump with such disrespect. Especially publicly. The American people better ...

Rittenhouse jury deliberations begin as Kenosha National Guard prepares for chaos: Judge tells jury to ignore ‘everyone’s opinion’ including ‘that of the President’ after Biden smeared teen
The self defense trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, the teenager who was set upon by an armed mob during the week of riots and bloodshed in Kenosha, Wisconsin, goes to the jury today.

Residents and business owners in Kenosha are boarding up their homes ...

TERROR UK: Migrant Emad Jamil Al Swealmeen Identified In Remembrance Day Bombing Of Women and Babies at Liverpool MATERNITY Hospital
The Liverpool suicide bomber was allowed to stay in the UK for seven years despite multiple failed claims for asylum and being caught 'waving' a 'large knife' in public before he tried to blow up a maternity hospital.

Why was Poppy Day bomber ...

TRUMP PEACE: Israel, Gulf States Engage In First Joint Naval Exercise Coordinated By US Navy
Once again, Trump peace. When America has a real POTUS in January 2025, the Abraham Accords will expand to most of the countries in the Arab world. And then we will have real peace in the Middle East.

Related – Israel at the Dubai Air Show ...

Iran proxy Hezb’Allah planned to murder Israeli in Colombia to avenge Soleimani – report
The Biden Administration came into office and relaxed the crippling economic sanctions against Iran. This has enabled Iran to significantly increase it's cash reserves, which they are now using to fund more terror attacks against Israel. In fact, ...
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