Dear John,

The holiday season is upon us and now is the most important time of year to help homeless pets. Because today, your donation does twice the good.

Our longtime supporter Michael Sweig is celebrating the season of generosity by matching donations up to $50,000. 

PAWS Chicago relies 100% on community support. Donors like you make all the difference. With your help we can raise $100,000 for homeless pets like Kimiko and Tangie!


You might think an exuberant and strong-willed pup could face down any illness, but Kimiko tested positive for parvo, a highly contagious virus often called "the puppy killer." He needed lots of help, love and medical care. He survived, like more than 98% of PAWS pets do, because he got the care he needed at our newly expanded Medical Center—and because animal lovers like you always answer the call to help.

Tangie wouldn’t have made it without you either. She weighed barely a pound when she came to PAWS Chicago as part of a litter of four orphan infants who needed lots of critical care. When she’s ready, a family will be waiting with open arms. 

Kimiko and Tangie were saved. But thousands more like them are out there, waiting. 

I'm so grateful the PAWS Chicago community always steps up to save innocent animals. Please give if you can and help us maximize Michael Sweig's $50,000 Match Challenge.

Thank you for all you do for homeless pets.

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1997 N Clybourn Ave, Chicago, IL 60614

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