At this point, you’re probably used to seeing emails with panicky subject lines from campaigns and political organizations scaring you to give money. Here are a few that showed up in our inbox before and after Election Day earlier this month:
“I’m scared to death, John”
“our House majority DEFEATED?!”
“a MASSIVE loss”
A common misconception is that tactics like these are the only way to raise money. But at the Working Families Party, we believe in building a political party based on mutual respect for our donors, our members, and our voters.
We start with creating a positive vision for our future — a country where no working family should ever have to worry about putting food on the table, the cost of their prescription drugs, or whether or not their vote is going to count in an upcoming election — and then execute on the plans to elect leaders who are ready to turn that vision into reality.
Time and time again, you’ve helped us prove that this strategy wins. But with less than four months to go until the first 2022 primaries, we have to start doing the work to expand our Working Families majority in Congress NOW. Contribute $5 toward our Working Families Majority Fund to help us elect more candidates who will truly represent working people:
Contribute $5
We have no reason “to kiss all hope goodbye” with supporters like you on our side. Thanks for being here.
In solidarity,
All of us at the Working Families Party

Become a Working Families Party Member! Other political groups have corporate donors. We have you. Just $10 a month supports our fight.
Paid for by Working Families Party National PAC (77 Sands St. #6, Brooklyn, NY, 11201).