$7.25 wasn't enough to pay the bills in 2009, and it's definitely not enough now. Rent, groceries, healthcare – the prices of everything we need to survive have skyrocketed in the 12 YEARS since the federal minimum wage has increased.
We need a new federal minimum wage of $15/hr and union rights – nothing less. Sign the petition now.
While I'm paid poverty wages at Bojangles, CEOs and corporations are getting richer and richer. It's not right, and I’m fed up. And I'm not alone.
Workers across the country have been going on strike for months. From nurses to fast-food, from factories to universities, we all have the same basic demand: better pay, union rights, dignity, and respect.
When we take action together, we win. 10 states and 40+ cities have raised or are on their way to raising wages for tens of millions of workers. Just this month, Tucson voted to raise the wages of 85,000 workers. But we won't stop until EVERYONE across the country has a $15/hr minimum wage. Add your name in support of $15/hr minimum wage >>
In solidarity,
Misty Campbell
Bojangles Worker
Burnsville, NC
Fight for $15 and a Union