Hi John,
This week is Transgender Awareness week, culminating on Saturday, November 20th with Transgender Day of Remembrance. 2021 has not been an easy year. We have seen unprecedented attacks on the LGBTQ+ community, especially on the transgender community.
Make a donation today and support our work protecting transgender rights.
Here are some numbers we must keep in mind this week and every week.
- This year alone we have seen at least 45 transgender or gender non-conforming people fatally taken from us by violence.
- 2021 set a record for anti-trans bills in America
- 391 anti-LGBTQ+ bills
- 198 anti-trans bills
- 41 enacted LGBTQ+ bills
While those numbers alone are enough to make us feel despair, they are not the whole picture.
Here are the numbers we want you to focus on. This year we saw 921 pro-LGBTQ bills and we defeated 180 anti-trans bills (90%). We saw gains in ID document progress, expanded PrEP and PEP access, good sex education bills, and HIV decriminalization.
Here’s another number vital to the success of the LGBTQ+ state-based movement: 4. That is the number of dedicated and hard-working folks on Equality Federation’s Advocacy & Civic Engagement team. All trans and/or nonbinary, this team is dedicated to supporting all 40+ of our state member organizations with bill tracking and analysis, spokespeople training, organizing support, comms and media support, and so much more.
Support the state-based movement and our fight against LGBTQ+ discrimination by making a donation today.
During Transgender Awareness week, let’s remember the people we have lost and the attacks we have withstood, but let’s focus on the future and the wins we will have - together.
Thank you for supporting us today and every day. You are a part of every victory.
In power,

Vivian Topping
Director of Advocacy & Civic Engagement
Equality Federation
P.S. Make a donation today to ensure our strength and power in 2022 and beyond