Dear Friend,
Last week, I visited our office in Harlingen, TX, along the U.S.-Mexico border, and Reynosa, Mexico, where thousands of refugee families are waiting for the chance to seek protection in the United States. Because of Title 42, a public health law misappropriated by our government to turn away asylum-seekers at our border, families are forced to live in unsafe and squalid conditions at an encampment that lacks their basic needs. In addition, threats of violence, kidnapping, and exploitation are ever-present, forcing many families to send their children to the border alone so they may be able to enter the United States and be safe. At the camp, my colleagues and I held a charla (community talk) with the asylum-seekers, answered their questions, and provided them information about resources that may be available to them.
This trip was only the latest in the Young Center's work to help address emerging crises for children and families. Within the country, we've been serving separated and unaccompanied children from around the world for 18 years. In the last few months, we've also been advocating for the best interests and safety of children arriving from Afghanistan. Our programs have already received dozens of referrals for unaccompanied Afghan children and are working hard to take as many cases as possible and help ensure children land somewhere safe.
We've also banded together with allied organizations to advocate for halting the deportation of Haitian refugees, continued to shine a global light on family separation at the U.S.-Mexico border and how we must right this wrong, and expanded our programs to serve more children and families. Click here to learn more about these efforts.
This work would not be possible without your support. Giving Tuesday is two weeks away. We hope to raise $100,000 for our work with children on this global day of giving and solidarity. Help us get a head start on this goal by donating now.