Hi ,

November 30th is #GivingTuesday, a day to celebrate and encourage donations to nonprofits and charities you value. NCRC embodies the idea of giving back as an organization that creates, investigates, invests and advocates for systemic changes to expand opportunities for all Americans to build wealth and live well.

You don’t need to wait. Make a donation today to help NCRC continue to make a difference for communities and families across the nation.
Donate now
NCRC provides agenda-setting research, training, insight and advocacy on behalf of under-served communities nationwide. We renovate and build affordable homes for low- and moderate-income families, provide expertise and financial support to housing counselors, and business-building expertise to minority and women entrepreneurs. Our research, investigations and publications on discrimination in lending and housing have prompted policymakers to pursue stronger laws, rules and enforcement to protect consumers and to ensure that the private sector does its part to drive inequality out of the economy. We’ve got a long way to go.

Make a donation today and encourage your networks to support NCRC’s work to make a Just Economy a national priority and a local reality.

Thanks for all that you do!

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