Hi John, did you know Giving Tuesday is just two weeks away? I’m emailing to remind you to save the date for November 30th, when you can join the National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC) in giving to protect asylum seekers! 

Giving Tuesday is a day when people around the world come together to give back. Don’t forget to join the movement!

Save the date to provide people seeking asylum and safety with life-changing legal services on Giving Tuesday, November 30, 2021!

Add Giving Tuesday to your calendar:


You can help protect asylum seekers at a time of incredible need. People who have fled their native countries to save their lives are still being blocked from seeking asylum at the border and they are being needlessly locked up in immigration jail just for asking for protection. The asylum process is incredibly confusing, but with a lawyer by their side, people have a real chance to establish safe lives for themselves and their families in the United States. 

Your donation to NIJC on Giving Tuesday provides people seeking asylum and safety with legal services that help them have a safe and stable future in the United States.

See more about our campaign at www.immigrantjustice.org/GivingTuesday and don't forget to save the date for Giving Tuesday, November 30, 2021!  

Thank you,

Mary Meg McCarthy
Executive Director, National Immigrant Justice Center 

P.S. Want to do even more to help asylum seekers? Create your own personal fundraising campaign to raise funds for NIJC for Giving Tuesday! The first 100 people who sign up as Immigrant Justice Champions will receive some cool sticker swag. Start your personal fundraiser now at www.immigrantjustice.org/fundraise.  


224 S. Michigan Avenue, Suite 600  |  Chicago, Illinois  60604

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