ACTION ALERT - Tell the NI Human Rights Commission that the right to life, and rights to freedom of expression and freedom of assembly, must be protected.
The Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission is holding a "Strategic Planning" event on 22 November 2021
The Commission is beginning work to produce the priorities for its strategic plan for 2022-2025, They are inviting people to discuss carrying their work forward.
The Commission is asking for people to contribute their views by emailing:
In your own words, tell the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission that you want their priorities for 2022 – 2025 to include the following points:
1. The Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission needs to recognise humanity of babies in the womb.
The Right to Life is protected in The Human Rights Act 1998. Article 2 states... "Everyone’s right to life shall be protected by law. No one shall be deprived of his life…”
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child states "...every Child has the inherent Right to Life...the Child...needs special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection, BEFORE as well as after BIRTH”
The NIHRC must uphold and protect the right to life of every person in Northern Ireland, both before and after birth.
2. Pro-life people are concerned about the loss of rights of freedom of expression and freedom of assembly
Rights to freedom of expression and assembly should only be limited in the most extreme cases. But these rights are being undermined by bills on so-called Abortion Safe Access Zones / Buffer zones, speech permits and “online harms” bill.
'Abortion Zones' laws are not required as the current law is sufficient to deal with any allegations of harassment.
3. Pro-life people feel very let down and alienated by the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission
Pro-life people want more representation from NIHRC and proactive engagement.
4. A clearer methodology is needed on how the NIHRC determines the hierarchy of rights.
Email your views to: