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A new WILL study finds that the Wisconsin Administrative Code contains more than 161,000 restrictions, making Wisconsin the most regulated state on a per-capita basis in the Great Lakes region. The study, Wisconsin Regulation in Focus, examines the breadth of Wisconsin’s growing regulatory code, the cost to Wisconsin’s economy and workforce, and recommendations for reform.

Former Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos, writes at Fox News about the national movement for parents' rights in education. She touts WILL research and a curriculum transparency bill currently before Governor Tony Evers.

The Kenosha Unified School District (KUSD) agreed to allow a parent to observe her son’s classroom after WILL issued a letter reminding the district of the requirements spelled out in federal law. WILL issued the letter to KUSD on behalf of a parent concerned that persistent classroom disruptions may be causing a drop in her son’s academic performance.

WILL President and General Counsel, Rick Esenberg, joined Newsmax host, Eric Bolling, to discuss the legal challenges to the OSHA vaccine-or-test mandate. WILL filed a lawsuit to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, on behalf of two Wisconsin manufacturers.

Mario Loyola, formerly of WILL, writes at National Review Online on the Virginia election results and what the backlash means for our current political and cultural fights. Loyola highlights WILL's Equality Under the Law Project as an important initiative in the current fight for constitutional principles.