Almost all of our campaign’s fundraising comes from small-dollar contributions to online ads and emails just like this one.
And every month we set fundraising targets to ensure we have the resources to not only keep Alexandria in Congress, but to run national and on-the-ground organizing programs like our Green New Deal Deep Canvases, census outreach, organizing against fossil fuel plants in our communities, and much more.
But in order to ensure we’re on track to hit our November targets, we need to hit 12,000 contributions by midnight tonight. And we’re still 941 contributions short. That’s why we’re emailing you today:
We’ve done the math. If we can get one more contribution from the 19125 area before midnight tonight, we’ll hit our 12,000 contributions goal before our mid-month deadline, and ensure we’re on track to hit our November targets.
Alexandria is using her voice in Congress to fight for solutions that are big enough to match the crises we face, reshape our economy, minimize inequality, and reverse the effects of climate change.
However, that work has made her a frequent target of attacks from the right, including from her own colleagues in Congress. Just last week, a Republican Congressman incited violence against her through a Twitter post. They’ve stooped this low, because they know the power behind this movement — the power each of us wields together — has and will continue to reshape politics in Washington for real, progressive change.
Our campaign is 100% people-funded, and every contribution to emails like this one — $5, $10, and $20 at a time — truly adds up to compete against the powerful and corrupting influence of big money in our politics.
Whether or not we hit this goal will impact our campaign’s budget moving forward, and we can’t afford to fall short — Will you be the person we need from the 19125 area to help close our 941 contributions gap?
Every donation helps us reach our mid-month goal and keep Alexandria in Congress fighting for the better future our communities deserve.
Thank you,
Team AOC