Hey John — wanted to flag this note from my dad for you. 

My dad Steve has taught me about the meaning of service my entire life: what it looks like, why we do it, and how much Pennsylvanians are counting on us – all of us. The email he wrote you yesterday is a special one for me, and I hope you get the chance to read it. 

This fight is for my dad, and for every Pennsylvanian who’s ever reached out and lent a hand when they knew their community needed them. If you’re in this with me, will you honor my dad and me by chipping in $10 to my campaign for Governor?

RUSH $10 NOW →

We’re entering a pivotal time for our campaign as we close out the year — and your dollars go farther right now than they ever have. 

Can you read the email from my dad below, and chip in $10 or anything you can right now?

Thank you, 


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Dr. Steve Shapiro
Date: Mon, Nov 15, 2021
Subject: What I want you to know about my son Josh.
To: [email protected]

Hi John, my name is Dr. Steve Shapiro and I’m Josh’s dad.

I was with Josh on the night he announced his campaign to become Pennsylvania’s next Governor (well, I’ve been with him since he was born, really!).

But being there, in that moment, was just surreal.

I’ve certainly seen the wonderful things Josh has done since he began as a state representative for Abington, then as the chair of the Montgomery County Commission, and now as Attorney General.

I was so proud to see that through every challenge he encountered, he became more connected with Pennsylvanians. And through each and every role he has had, he’s taken one key piece of advice with him that his mother and I would tell him:

Choices have consequences.

I know that’s a driving force in his work. To watch Josh, someone who cares so deeply about what he’s doing, spend his days fighting to make Pennsylvanians’ lives better makes me so proud — as a Pennsylvanian, and as his dad.

That’s the kind of leader Pennsylvania needs. If you agree and you’re standing with Josh in this fight, can you pitch in just a few bucks to help his campaign? →


I was on the road with Josh on his very first campaign, and one thing I always noticed was how Josh has always listened. He truly hears what people say, and he takes that to his work.

That quality is so necessary in government today.

People tell me all the time: “We need more people like your son in government,” and that’s because they trust him.

People trust Josh to elevate their issues, their voice, their stories. They trust that he cares about what they say. They trust that he’s truly listening.

Now, it’s on those of us who trust that Josh is the right leader for Pennsylvania to step up, and make it happen.

Can you donate today to Josh’s campaign to become the next Governor of Pennsylvania?


Thank you,

Dr. Steve Shapiro
Josh’s Dad

Thank you for supporting Josh Shapiro's campaign to become the next governor of Pennsylvania. If you prefer to donate by check, you can mail your donation to:

Shapiro for Pennsylvania
PO Box 22635
Philadelphia, PA 19110
United States

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