Sorry for another email, but hear me out?
I hate having to send these emails, but that’s how you know they’re important. Tonight marks the midway point of the month, and our online fundraising is going slower than I had hoped.
I checked our numbers again just a bit ago, and we’re behind where we need to be right now in November.
Can you chip in any amount right now to help flip PA 🔵 and get our fundraising back on track? Every dollar we raise before midnight goes directly to John’s official Flip Pennsylvania Fund, and your donation from Pittsburgh will make a huge difference.
Contribute $5
Look, we all saw what happened in Virginia earlier this month. And we especially know that Democrats can only win when we focus on talking to every voter, urban *and* rural.
That’s why we’re focused on running a true statewide campaign here in PA, and getting out to all 67 Counties of our Commonwealth. John says it all the time, and we really mean it: Every County, Every Vote.
A donation to our Flip Pennsylvania Fund is so incredibly impactful because John doesn’t take a single dime of corporate PAC money. This campaign is funded by grassroots donors just like you, so we rely on folks chipping in a few bucks whenever they can.
I’m sure you get a ton of emails every day, and I’m grateful that you’ve taken the time to read this one.
So again, could you please kick in a few bucks before midnight tonight? It would mean the world to us if you donate to the Flip Pennsylvania Fund and help get our November fundraising back on track.
I know that with a few more donors from Pittsburgh, we’ll be able to keep getting out across ALL of PA and fighting for every vote.
Thank you,
Eric 💙
Eric Stern
Deputy Campaign Manager
John Fetterman for U.S. Senate