My friend, This past week, I began a hunger strike and will abstain from eating until Congress passes, and President Biden signs, the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. Today is Day 8. It’s not easy, and I know it will only get harder, but I’m a firm believer that when you see injustice, you say something … and you do something about it. That’s why I’m on a hunger strike and it’s why I’m so supportive of People For the American Way, the League of Women Voters, Drum Majors for Change, and the host of other civil rights and pro-democracy groups that will be outside the White House this Wednesday risking arrest to bring the message right to President Biden’s front door: NO MORE EXCUSES. The need for voting rights legislation is URGENT. And, as president – and one who ran on protecting voting rights and speaks on the need to defend voting as the “test of our time” – it’s imperative that President Biden use every bit of power and influence to break the logjam in the Senate and get these bills passed! We can’t wait. The 2022 election is just around the corner and the state-level voter suppression bills that have been passed around the country don’t just erect barriers to the ballot, in some cases they allow far-right legislatures to OVERTURN election results that they don’t like – a dagger in the heart of American democracy. As a supporter of People For the American Way, you’re no stranger to this fight. I’m asking that you join us by helping to lift up our movement’s big November 17 direct action outside the White House. People For and its allies have been holding an escalating series of events outside the White House since August. They have gotten the administration’s attention and we’ve seen immense progress in the message coming from the White House about the need to get these bills passed and to do away with the Senate filibuster as an obstacle to getting that done. This is the final direct action in this series before Thanksgiving and we need it to be the biggest yet. I hope you can help us spread the word. Thanks for everything you do. – Joe Madison, Radio Host & Activist