Dear Supporter,

This Transgender Awareness Week, observed from November 13th to November 19th, members of the trans community and allies across the globe will come together to raise awareness about transphobic violence through educational initiatives and advocacy work.  The week ends with the Day of Remembrance, an annual time on November 20 that honors the memory of the transgender people who were killed due to transphobic violence. 

We want to invite you to join us in working to protect people who are harassed and abused due to their gender identity. Our free Bystander Intervention to Stop anti-LGBTQIA+ harassment trainings provide allies with effective tools to intervene in the face of anti-LGBTQIA+ harassment.

You can take action to help create a more welcoming environment for trans folks by joining one of our trainings this week:

  • TODAY Monday, November 15, 2021. 7:00PM ET/ 6:00PM CT/ 5:00PM MT/ 4:00PM PT/ 1:00PM HST. Register Here.

  • Wednesday, November 17, 2021. 11:00AM ET/ 10:00AM CT/ 9:00AM MT/ 8:00AM PT/ 5:00AM HST. Register Here.

This year we are also inviting you to show up in support of Trans lives by recording a short video to share your commitment to stop transphobic discrimination using bystander intervention. We will include the videos you submit in a final video that we will publish on our social media channels. Here are the simple instructions you should follow to participate:

Short scripts:

I’m _____ and I am committed to showing up for the trans community with my bystander intervention superpower, Distract, which looks like indirectly de-escalating situations to support and build community with anyone experiencing  transphobic harassment.

I’m _____ and I am committed to showing up for the trans community with my bystander intervention superpower, Delegate, which looks like moving other people into action in the face of transphobic harassment.

I’m _____ and I am committed to showing up for the trans community with my bystander intervention superpower, Document, which means capturing documentation on behalf of anyone experiencing transphobic harassment.

I’m _____ and I am committed to showing up for the trans community with my bystander intervention superpower, Delay, which means I show up with compassionate words and actions to take care of anyone that experiences transphobic harassment.

I’m _____ and I am committed to showing up for the trans community with my bystander intervention superpower, Direct, which looks like directly addressing the transphobic harassment and taking care of the person being harmed.

We encourage you to continue to discover ways of standing in solidarity with the trans community by supporting organizations like the National Center for Transgender Equality.

Thank you for helping us to turn compassion into action.

With love,
