Voters will soon cast their ballots in key state legislative races in Virginia and Texas.


Our democracy will not be decided by who wins the Democratic primary or presidency, but by a small sliver of state legislative races.

Some of those key state legislative elections are taking place next week in Virginia and Texas. This is a critical moment ahead of the 2021 redistricting process to prevent the GOP’s gerrymandering of the future.

Help us expand our programs in the final week before election day. With your support, we have a real chance to pick up seats in these key chambers:

  • In Virginia: We are only 2 seats away from taking back the GOP-held House of Delegates for the first time in two decades. Virginia Republicans have long ignored the public will on gun control, fought Medicaid expansion, and challenged abortion rights. With all 100 seats up for election in the house next Tuesday, we can finish the work we started in 2017 and reclaim the chamber to stave off any GOP attempt to gerrymander the Commonwealth after the census.
  • In Texas: Next Tuesday, voters in suburban Houston will vote in the Texas House District 28 special election. It’s a red district that Republicans have held for years, but now it’s in play. A win in this special election could pave the way for a Democratic majority in the Texas State House in 2020. After helping flip 12 seats in 2018, we’re just 9 seats away from winning back this key state legislative chamber and reversing the GOP’s gerrymandering of the second largest state and 36+ congressional districts.

Time is running out in these key races. Chip in now to help get us over the finish line in two of the most consequential states.

We’re committed to playing in the toughest GOP-held turf in state chambers that are key levers ahead of the 2020 census and subsequent redistricting process. We have the opportunity to make critical gains next Tuesday in Virginia and Texas. Help us make the most of the next week before the elections:


Appreciate the support,


David Cohen
Forward Majority


Paid for by Forward Majority Action, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.


Forward Majority, PO Box 15293, Washington, DC 20003
