
Tomorrow is our October end-of-month deadline -- one of the last monthly fundraising deadlines of the year.

This one is particularly important because it’s the last fundraising deadline before the November elections, and we want to make sure we have the resources we need to support Democrats in key races across the country next Tuesday.

We’ve set a $41,000 goal between now and tomorrow at midnight to make sure we can get every last dollar in the door before November 1st. (We picked $41,000 to continue celebrating Seth’s 41st birthday last week!) Those resources allow us to make last-minute donations to Democrats in key races, send organizers and canvassers, make phone calls, and get voters to the polls.

Can you step up with a contribution before tomorrow at midnight so we have the resources to win in November?


This team has already done so much -- and you’ve seen what happens when we all work together. We had huge successes in 2018 and now we need a repeat.

Anything you can give goes a long way right now.

Rush a last-minute donation right now ahead of our October end-of-month deadline and help us hit our goal.

Thank you,

Team Moulton