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Weekend Edition, November 13-14, 2021


The Promise & Perils of Vitamin D

Bill Sardi

Letter to a Tyrant

Margaret Anna Alice

The Myth of St Meghan

Tom Slater

‘Unprecedented’ Capitol Protest Sets New Precedents

Julie Kelly

Please Go, Brandon – Americans Want This President Out

Issues & Insights

Look Out Below: Why a Rug-Pull Flash Crash Makes Perfect Sense

Charles Hugh Smith

Jordan Peterson Hammers ‘Totalitarian’ Covid Rules

RT News

The Hippocratic Oath and Medical Ethics Versus Covid Mandates

Jeff M. Lewis

Shares in Bill Gates’s Fake Meat Company Tank as Consumers Reject Bioengineered ‘Food’

Jay Greenberg

Bergoglio Pope Just Said Global Reset Is Real: No ‘Return To Normality’

Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D.

The Recognition

James Howard Kunstler

Christian Arrogance

Bionic Mosquito

LRC Blog

Political Theatre
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