News from the Frontlines of the Political Revolution!
HEADLINES: “Normal” Got Us Here | Progressive Power at the Polls | Build Back Better This Week! | Organizing Wins in OH | Amassing Power in MA | Criminal Justice in TX | M4A Caravan in NJ | & MUCH MORE! ★ ★ ★ The midterms are stacked for Republicans, and corporate Dems are an electoral liability. Their strategy of obstructing every policy voters want most to please their corporate donors is anti-democratic and politically doomed. Become a member today to help us force them to deliver for voters now - before it’s too late. ★ ★ ★
This week, corporate Dems trotted out a new label for themselves, “normal” - implying that progressives like us who are working to deliver improved material conditions of the working class are “abnormal.”
Rep. Conor Lamb contrasted himself as a “normal Democrat” compared to progressives who voted against the bipartisan bill to stop corporate Dems from obstructing the Budget Bill and its working-class provisions.
Rep. Abigail Spanberger said this week “nobody elected (Biden) to be FDR,” they voted for him “to be normal.” (Apparently, FDR is also abnormal, so at least we’re in good company).
Axios said it’s a way for “moderates to distinguish themselves from activist colleagues they’re implying are abnormal and don't speak for them.”
In response, Our Revolution Executive Director Joseph Geevarghese told Axios “the people who should be worried about backlash from voters and the party are the corporate Democrats - they’re the ones holding hostage the most popular pieces of the President’s agenda.”
Corporate Dems don’t speak for us, the abnormal majority. Polls show 88% of Americans want Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices with Big Pharma; 84% want to expand Medicare, and 73% want paid family and medical leave.
The irony is thick as corporate Dems complain about losing elections by insulting the majority of voters as abnormal.
Sadly, upholding campaign promises hasn’t been the “norm” in Washington, D.C. for quite some time. We’re trying to normalize delivering for voters so we actually have a representative democracy and can win elections.
“Normal” to corporate Dems is hobnobbing with elites, taking corporate bribes to block popular policy, and earning the ire of the working class. Maybe they should come down from their ivory tower to see what normal life is like for the rest of us?
Is it “normal” for citizens of the richest country in the history of the world to regularly go bankrupt from medical bills, to work three jobs and still not make ends meet, and to have to choose between their medicine and groceries?
Their corruption is crushing actual normal people.
This week, corporate Dems have a chance to help us pass the Budget Bill and deliver for voters’ lives. So, of course, they’re pivoting to “normal” - aka - business as usual, which led to economic despair, Trump, climate chaos, and the crises progressives are fighting to solve.
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Join our Live Monday Night Broadcast with Cleveland’s new mayor-elect Justin Bibb, Khalid Kamau, running for mayor of South Fulton, Ga., the self-described blackest city in America, and other special guests.
Please submit your questions for our progressive champions HERE!
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“Normal Dems” are desperate to malign progressive electability, but, actually, we are winning on bold policy platforms that directly address the problems that normal Americans face.
As more races have been called over the past week, our win rate has ticked up to 68% for this off-year election. Not bad! And, better than the electoral showing by zombie corporatists like Terry McAuliffe, who predictably lost the Virginia governor’s race on an empty culture war message.
By contrast, Gov. Phil Murphy was re-elected in New Jersey after delivering a $15 minimum wage in the state and legalizing marijuana. It also didn’t hurt that he got Bernie’s endorsement.
Corporate media want to focus on a setback in Minnesota while ignoring our success in passing criminal justice reforms in Cleveland and Austin. We even passed a $15 min wage in Tucson, the hometown of Sen. Kyrsten Sinema.
Talking heads point to our underdog loss in Buffalo, where incumbent Byron Brown joined forces with the far-right to beat Democratic nominee India Walton. Do they really not know that we clinched mayoral seats in major cities like Boston, Cleveland, and Cincinnati?
Our Revolution-endorsed progressive candidates won at all ballot levels by championing Bernie-inspired policy platforms.
Not only did we elect progressives at nearly every level of government, but our newly-elected progressives are also majority female and majority people of color.
We are building the bench up and down the ballot with representatives who look like America and know the struggle.
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Newly-elected Dayton (OH) City Commissioner Shenise Turner-Sloss joined our Live Monday Night Broadcast to discuss her win and the importance of meeting voters with a clear message of solid policy solutions.
As a political outsider, Shenise was the highest vote-getter of any of the candidates running for council, including all the incumbents. Does this make her abnormal?
Shenise is a logistics management specialist, who has experience with housing programs, community development grants, and neighborhood stabilization programs.
Although the local Democratic Party endorsed her opponent, Shenise ran against the party and won. We’d like to see that become the new normal.
“The people in our community are just tired of the broken promises,” Shenise said. “And, to be honest, for a number of years we’ve had those in positions of power putting bandaids on lacerations - the people of this community want to stop the bleeding.”
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Our Revolution Ohio organized to win 15 races in last week’s off-year election - getting three progressive mayors into executive power, picking up five new city council seats, and winning a city-wide ballot initiative on police reform in Cleveland.
Cleveland’s new mayor, Justin Bibb, beat the machine candidate without shying away from his support of the Safer Cleveland Initiative, which also passed on the ballot to make civilian oversight of police part of the city charter.
Aftab Pureval, made history as the first Asian American elected Mayor of Cincinnati, and he did it by laying out a clear plan to address pressing issues like affordable housing.
And, Kahlil Seren, an Our Revolution member and Vice President of Cleveland Heights City Council, ran a strong progressive campaign to become the city’s first mayor.
These wins speak to the power of grassroots organizing in building working-class coalitions for electoral success.
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Our Revolution Massachusetts is amassing power in the Bay State with 35 of 49 progressive candidates making it across the finish line on Nov. 2 - including new Boston Mayor Michelle Wu.
Our Revolution Medford endorsed a slate of candidates with hopes of winning a majority on the Medford City Council. Running together on a progressive “Medford People’s Platform,” they succeeded!
Incumbent members Zac Bears and Nicole Morell were both reelected, while newcomers Kit Collins and Justin Tseng finished in the top seven to win seats, Dig Boston reports.
Our Revolution Massachusetts Organizer Anna Callahan said on our Live Monday Night Broadcast that the rising progressive tide in the Bay State comes as a result of years of coalition-building and solidarity among candidate slates.
“They’re running as a group, so they’re supporting each other as candidates,” Callahan said. “When we build power with each other, that's when we have the power of the people and can combat the power of money.”
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With Republicans and corporate Dems at the helm, the wealthy avoid taxation and get all of the representation.
We the People deserve a return on our investment. Become a member today to help build working-class power at every level of government.
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With the bipartisan bill (BIF) already on the President’s desk, Our Revolution is sustaining pressure on corporate Dems to uphold their commitment to pass the Build Back Better Budget Bill in the House no later than this week.
On Wednesday, Our Revolution: New York Progressive Action Network joined many allies for a candlelight vigil and march to the office of U.S. Rep. Kathleen Rice, urging her to keep her promise to vote YES on the Build Back Better package.
Rice, along with Rep. Josh Gottheimer and what remains of the Nefarious Nine, cannot be allowed to find some excuse or technicality to weasel their way out of delivering the part of the President’s agenda that actually impacts voters’ lives.
Corporate Dems say their vote for the Budget Bill depends on it getting a perfect score from the Congressional Budget Office. But, they had no problem voting for the bipartisan bill that increases the federal deficit by $256B, according to the CBO.
As Bernie tweeted: “Not very consistent!”
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On our Live Monday Night Broadcast, Austin City Councilor Greg Casar laid out how progressives were able to reallocate tens of millions of dollars from a reformed police training system to new social services — including mental health first responders, a family violence shelter, and homeless housing.
“Austin is the biggest city where if you call 911 (...) they ask you if you need a mental health responder,” Casar said. “We made that transformational shift and showed the rest of the country what it might look like to start making some of the changes that people marching in the streets are demanding.”
The backlash came from Republicans looking to make an example of Austin’s success by taking away the new services and forcing the hire of hundreds of new cops.
But, since the community felt the benefits of real public policy results, they came together in a broad coalition to defend their gains and defeat the measure by a vote of 2:1 on Nov. 2.
Greg Casar is a proud Our Revolution member and, now, a candidate for U.S. Congress! Stay tuned for more!
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CJ Boyd, Campaign Manager of Tucson Fight for $15, joined our Live Monday Night Broadcast to spill on the details of how organizers in Arizona rallied in response to living wage obstruction by Sen. Kyrsten Sinema to redouble their fight and pass a $15 minimum wage in her hometown in Tucson.
“That now-famous curtsey and thumbs down just really kinda made us all say: ‘You know what, forget about it. Let's do this ourselves because they can't be trusted, and they can't be expected to do anything for the people,” Boyd told our audience.
He encouraged organizers around the country to start their own ballot initiatives if they can and noted the importance of tying a minimum wage to the cost of living in their locality. “We need to keep fighting for $15 and fighting beyond $15,” Boyd said.
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This week, Our Wisconsin Revolution voting rights activists illustrated the problem of gerrymandering by serving up odd-shaped slices of pizza.
Our Wisconsin Revolution Executive Director Andre Walton said it was a fun way to engage folks and many people gave feedback in favor of fair maps over partisan map-drawing.
“We must combat the efforts of the Wisconsin legislature’s attempts to subvert democracy for another 10 years,” Walton said.
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Our Revolution New Jersey and National Nurses United led a caravan across Hudson County last week, culminating at the office of U.S. Rep. Albio Sires, where we rallied to call on him to cosponsor House Bill 1976 - the Medicare for All Act of 2021.
“We got (U.S. Rep. Frank) Pallone on board with Medicare for All in March, after years of pressure,” said Our Revolution Regional Organizer Anna-Marta Visky. “He is now a cosponsor, and so we are prioritizing Sires next.”
Our New Jersey activists have been relentless in the push for universal, single-payer healthcare. In the past 16 months, Our Revolution New Jersey has passed 12 municipal resolutions for Medicare for All.
With our parade of vehicles and a mobile billboard, we are literally driving home the message that Democratic Congress members must lead on legislation that is supported by 85% of Dem voters.
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Political change requires working-class power and solidarity.
At this historic juncture, we must have each other’s back to push the struggle forward. We invite you to invest in the mission of Our Revolution as we rise up to meet the challenges of our time.
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Our Revolution and progressive allies are pressing to remove Byron Brown from his post on the Democratic National Committee after he allied with Republicans to defeat Democratic nominee India Walton in the Buffalo mayoral race.
“When you pull a stunt like this - somebody wins a primary, a working-class woman, and you go to every rich donor in both parties to fund a write-in campaign … it’s a disgrace,” Our Revolution Chair Larry Cohen, a DNC member, told Yahoo News.
“You’ve got the establishment Democratic Party trying to block the path forward for progressives, and it’s incredibly challenging and frustrating for the grassroots,” Our Revolution Executive Director Joseph Geevarghese told Politico.
When progressives are told to fall in line behind the nominee without question, let’s not forget that Byron Brown was given a do-over in the general election - and corporate Dems cheered him on as he teamed up with Trump donors and the far right to topple the choice of Democratic primary voters.
Let’s also remember that NY State Democratic Party Chair Jay Jacobs compared supporting Walton as the party’s nominee to supporting KKK grand wizard David Duke.
We’re tired of the bad faith attacks and double standards against progressives.
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Our Revolution is beholden only to our members and our progressive values. When you and a friend sign up as recurring donors, you’re directly growing our movement and power. We cannot let the obvious lies and injustices stand. Let’s double our impact and fight back even harder.
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With the GOP waging an all-out War on Voters, Our Revolution is once again joining forces with People for the American Way at the White House on Wednesday, November 17th to call on President Biden to ensure the smooth passage of federal voting rights legislation.
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Join us in person as we launch the Manhattan chapter of Our Revolution/NYPAN! We'll be joined by special guests Jumaane Williams, Zephyr Teachout, Mark Levine, Harvey Epstein, and more! Food and Drink will be available!
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On Wednesday, join Our Revolution Ohio’s November call with special guest Morgan Harper. We will be getting updates on Fair Districts from Trevor Patrick Martin and HB 109 - the anti-protest bill, from Rev. Joan VanBecelaere.
Plus, we will be unveiling our latest project: Transforming the Party in Ohio with Will Petrik from Rep Your Block.
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Join us on Wednesdays in December (1st, 8th, and 15th) at 8:30 Pm ET/7:30 PM CT/5:30 PM PT for our 2022 Endorsement Process Review! Before making endorsements in any 2022 federal races, all Our Revolution chapters need at least one member to join us for one of these sessions. We will discuss best practices for making endorsements, what to do once an endorsement is made, and how we can best work together to win in 2022!
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