Native American-owned companies and corporations have been leading the way in innovating the business sector for over 40 years, and yet the broader business world is only just now beginning to catch on. Driven by cultural values for social and environmental wellbeing and accountable to a tribal communities, Native-owned businesses drive regional economies while lifting families out of poverty in ways that "mainstream" businesses and development programs have not been able to achieve. Many of these organizations are going far beyond simply providing jobs and bringing much needed capital into tribal communities. They are providing educational resources, family services, housing and more within a culture-based framework for operations.
By adhering to a quadruple bottom line in this way, several Native-owned enterprises have become leading economic powerhouses in their regions and business sectors. Join Chrystel Cornelius (Oweesta Corporation), Alexis Bunten and Daniel Roth (JumpScale) for an exciting conversation about how Native and non-Native entrepreneurs and business leaders can learn from Native led businesses to improve your company's outcomes in a way that is not cultural appropriation, rather workplace cultural innovation.