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Dear Friend,

The Mississippi Center for Public Policy is helping set the policy agenda in our state – and our recent event with the Heritage Foundation shows why.
A large crowd attended this week’s meeting, including teachers, parents and state Senators and Representatives. They came to discuss real concerns folk across our state have about public money being used to promote Critical Race Theory in the classroom. 
Our team has published a set of policy proposals to address legitimate public concerns in a way that is consistent with free speech.

Mike Gonzalez argues against CRT and says America is the greatest republic the world has ever seen

Aaron Rice, who heads up our litigation division, the Mississippi Justice Institute, had a great victory this week against federal overreach. We joined others in successfully suing the current administration in DC over their draconian vaccine mandate. Read more about our important win here.

Do you need a speaker to talk to your club or school?  Since arriving in Mississippi I have spoken at dozens of events from De Soto to the Coast.  As someone that was not born American, I love sharing an outsider’s perspective on what makes America the greatest country on earth.  If you would like me to come along an talk to your group, get in touch!
Have a great weekend!

Warm Regards,

Douglas Carswell
President & CEO


1 Mississippi Needs Bolder Action for School Choice - Read Douglas' newest op-ed in RealClearPolicy
2 Why We Need to Combat Critical Race Theory - Read Douglas' RealClearPolicy op-ed
2 A MS Coast restaurant group played part in blocking of federal COVID vaccine mandate - The Sun Herald reported on the MJI's case against the Biden Admin.
2 W - R
 Unclear Implications For New Digital Driver's License Program - Read Matthew Nicaud, Jr.


Update on MJI's Lawsuit Against Vaccine Mandate

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